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27 Cambridge Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP20 1RP

Here at Cambridge St Dental & Implant Centre, we provide emergency dental treatments to our patients. We understand dental problems can occur at inopportune times and can be very distressing.

We offer evening and weekend appointments for any of our private patients in need of urgent dental care. We also provide a dedicated emergency phone line for our private practice plan members to contact us on. For all patients with an emergency during normal working hours, our trained and compassionate dental professionals can provide you with emergency advice to help to alleviate the discomfort before you can be seen at the surgery.

To help you alleviate any stressful symptoms you may be experiencing, please consider this advice:

  • For a broken tooth or lost fillingKeep the area clean and contact us as soon as possible.
  • For a toothache – Carefully clean the area around the affected tooth. Rinse your mouth out with warm saltwater. If you experience any swelling, apply a cold compress to the area on your face and contact us as soon as possible. Use over-the-counter medications for temporary relief. If the swelling increases and affects your eyesight or leads to difficulty swallowing or breathing, then please contact your local hospital A&E department immediately.
  • If you lose a tooth – Pick up the tooth by the crown (top) not the root (bottom). If you can put it back in its socket, do so and try to keep it in place with a piece of cloth or gauze. If you can’t then place some clean gauze or a towel over the socket and apply firm pressure to stop any bleeding. Keep the area clean by doing regular mouth rinses after 24 hours. Place the tooth in cold milk and bring it to your emergency appointment.
  • If you break your bracesIf you can easily remove the broken piece, do so. If you can’t, or it causes discomfort when you try, cover the protruding piece with wax, gauze or cotton to protect the insides of your cheeks, the gum area, your tongue and palate.
  • If you lose a crown/ veneerPlease keep it safe and bring it to your emergency appointment to see if it can be replaced.
  • If you experience pain after treatment – Sometimes treatment can unsettle a tooth or its adjacent soft tissue. Do not be alarmed and this should naturally settle. Analgesics can be taken if deemed necessary. If it is still uncomfortable after a week then please contact us.

At Cambridge St Dental & Implant Centre, we provide a complete range of general dentistry treatments in a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere.

We strive to ensure our practice remains patient-focused, by carefully listening to your concerns and offering a range of solutions to meet your general dentistry needs.

Our dentists and dental technicians have decades of experience between them and professional certifications in all the treatments we provide.

For more information regarding this treatment:
Contact Usor call 01296 337 373
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